When it comes to spending time with the Lord, there are no rules or regulations on how it ought to be done.
The beauty of life and of Christ is that He’s given us the freedom of choice-- we choose if we want to accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we choose if we want to live our lives surrendered to Him, we choose if we want to obey Him. We also get to choose when and how we spend time with God in the Word and in prayer.
Throughout scripture, we see how different figures like David, Moses, Abraham, and Jesus himself all woke up early in the morning to pray and seek God.
Have you been longing to spend time with God but haven’t been able to find the time? If so, we’ve compiled a list of five simple things you can do that will allow you to have a better morning routine and a more enriching time with God in His Word!
1. Set an alarm
It sounds simple enough, but if you’re not usually a morning person and need to train your body to become one, setting your alarm the night before is the first thing you have to do.
*bonus tip: we keep our phones charging outside of the bedroom and have LOVED using this natural light alarm clock! It helps us wake up more refreshed and often times before the alarm.
We recommend getting up about an hour before you usually would, to have ample time to make sure you’re awake, alert, and focused! Reading God’s Word requires our brain function as much as it requires our heart’s attention, so waking up earlier to get your brain flow going is a necessary first step.
2. Pick a spot
If you don’t already have a favorite part of your home you like to sit and read, then it might take a bit of trial and error before you find the place you like the most. If you’re not too tempted to fall back asleep, you can try reading the Word in your bed, but otherwise try the couch, a bench, your back porch, or kitchen counter to settle in for time with the Lord.
Picking the right spot is really important because you want to make sure you’re comfortable enough to lock in, but not too comfortable to zone out.
3. Have something to look forward to
Reward yourself for getting up early with your favorite beverage in the morning before sitting down to read and study the Word.
This step helps us a lot especially on days we’re not really feeling motivated to get up to read the Bible. Telling ourselves that we get to enjoy our coffee as we read is a great personal motivator to spending time in the Word.
*Summertime coffee pro tip: store the previous days leftover coffee in the fridge for the next day’s iced coffee!
4. Leave your phone in another room
This step may be the most crucial to your success. It’s so easy to get distracted right away. Without even realizing it, we’ll be scrolling through social media or emails right in the middle of our study time.
If your brain is wired and your fingers are trained to click and scroll, there’s no telling how often you will unconsciously press pause on your study time to aimlessly wander away.
Avoid the distractions all together by leaving your phone in another room. This will of course force you to use a physical Bible for your study time, which we recommend using anyway!
And of course, we always have our Kairos Journal with us, too!
If you have other study tools only available on your phone (commentaries, concordance, etc), then our recommendation is to not rely on those during your reading and study time. Only refer to those once you’ve meditated on the Word for yourself and allowed the Holy Spirit to speak to you first.
5. Make time for prayer & meditation
It may be easy to forget that a vital part of our study time is prayer and meditation on the Word. This is where the Daily Kairos Journal really comes in handy because of the prompts for reflecting on and memorizing God’s Word.
Every day you memorize scripture and reflect on your reading, thus deepening your understanding of God and ultimately, your love for Him. And truly, why else do we read our Bibles but to know God more and love Him deeper?
The goal is that as you slowly implement these practices, spending time with God first thing in the morning would become second nature to you. And as it does, we pray that God’s nature would become yours, too.
Now we'd love to hear from you: what morning routines help you spend more intentional time with God? Let us know in the comments!
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Mar 23, 2021 • Posted by ltsmhhnspm
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?
Sep 23, 2020 • Posted by Jann McMurry
Thanks for these suggestions. I’ve implemented most of them but still get hung up/bogged down with social media.
One thing I do, especially as sunrise is later and later, is to light a candle and sit in the darkness for a few minutes. I have a playlist I labeled “First Light” which includes songs that are prayers. Several come from the Gettys.
I’m looking forward to receiving my new journal!
Sep 23, 2020 • Posted by Curtis J Kaufman
In church last week I was thinking on Romans 12:2 from the sermon and realized I had a false and limiting belief. 2:30 was to early to get up and spend a half hour with God before leaving at 4:00. My new prayer was Lord bless the sleep I do get so I can rise refreshed to spend time with you. I follow 4 of the 5 so I will leave the phone in another room to make it 5 for 5. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement.
Sep 23, 2020 • Posted by Jan Powell
What an encouraging post. I appreciate the way you treat this business as a ministry – it really shows. In my case, yes, I struggle with mornings – but not as much as the evenings (with regard to the Kairos journal). Do you have any tips or best practices on how to reconnect for that mini-quiet time at the end of the (long, tiring, distraction-filled) day?
Sep 23, 2020 • Posted by Steve
Always shut my phone completely off so I won’t be distracted. I agree early morning is the time I usually can sense HS with the most clarity!!
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