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Where do you pray?

Where do you pray?

Little personal story & question for you...

About a month ago the Lord began pressing something on my heart: a dedicated time for prayer.

The interesting thing is, I do pray… a lot (or so I thought). 

I pray when I wake up, before I open my Daily Kairos Journal and Bible, before I do the Kairos side, after my devotional time, before breakfast, during breakfast, in the middle of a Zoom call or an afternoon walk. 

So when I felt a nudge from the Lord to have a dedicated time to pray I almost shrugged it off. I’m so glad I didn’t.

Instead, I set a calendar reminder for 1:50pm every day for my ten minute “Prayer Meeting with God” - which just so happens to take place outside in the treehouse :)

I didn’t really have a good explanation for that location until the very first time I got up there for the first prayer meeting. Here’s the gist of what the Lord said:

“I brought you up here to elevate your sights - to fix your eyes on Me instead of what’s below. What’s down there is down there and down there it will remain until you climb back down. Until then look to Me, so that you can be reminded of what will last and what will not.” (Colossians 3:1-4)


It was a powerful moment and one I will never forget. When I go up into the treehouse to pray, all of the thoughts, worries, failures and successes of the day are left below.

The only thing I give room for is Him.

Most days, there is a whole lot of praise. Some days, there is a lot of silent listening. This past week, I've been bringing a Prompted Journal along just in case the Lord presses something on my heart in the moment. Here is what I wrote down on Monday of this week:

I know not 
what to say
or do.
I just trust it
all to you.

This time with God has made be hungrier for Him in a way I’ve longed for. Ten minutes turns into 15 and before I know it, 20.

I often find myself meditating and praying over Psalm 27:4:

The one thing I ask of the LORD - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in the LORD’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.


In a day and age when the noise of the world continues to rise my hearts desire to really know Him grows by the minute. Can you relate?

I’m curious, do you have a dedicated time of prayer with the Lord? Comment below and let us know!

1 comment

Oct 19, 2022 • Posted by Jumi

Great article! Word👍👍👍

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