The Daily Kairos Journal
The Kairos Journal was created with Scripture & habit-forming psychology to help busy men build a stronger prayer life, hear God's voice more clearly, and draw closer to Him daily.
"My Daily Kairos journal has genuinely changed my life and my relationship with God. It just makes me so aware of God in every moment because I think more deliberately about him and what he is teaching me from the beginning to the end of the day."
You long for more of God but work, family, things and life get in the way.
Sadly, God gets put on the back burner...
You start your morning strong - you read the bible, spend time with God, and your day is off to a great start... and then life happens.
You get to the end of the day so fast, that you forget how it even started.
Sure, you had some time with God in the morning, but it was almost as if you "checked Him off your to do list" - and then went on with your day.
You're longing for more closeness with God... but the busyness and distractions of your everyday life just seems to get in the way.
- Francis Chan, Crazy Love
Hey, I’m Pete - believer, husband, father and founder of Daily Kairos.
I became a father just over a year ago and of all the wonderful things fatherhood brought me, something was noticeably lacking: my focus & quality time with the Lord.
After some words from the Lord, visions from Jordan (my better half), and a little kick in the pants from the Holy Spirit, I knew what I had to do. Towards the end of 2019 I set off on a mission to share the same practical methods that helped me draw closer to the Lord.
You know what was the biggest surprise? Men were hungry for this. They wanted to spend quality time alone with God but couldn’t find anything out there.
The Kairos Journal gives you a proven structure for daily time with God.
The 3-month journal is designed to ease you in with daily verses and simple prompts you can use to start your day off strong - and continue it the same way by helping you document your walk with God, look for recurring themes in what He says to you, and reflect on the dialogue over time.
The left side of the journal is built to give your mind and heart a fresh start. It's the reset button. The right side of the daily spread is free-flowing and offers space for you to write down how God is speaking to you throughout your day.
The weekly reflection section is built to help you record and discern what God is saying to you over an extended period of time and make note of the verses you've memorized throughout the week.
Great question! I'm glad you asked.
The ancient Greeks had two words for time: Chronos and Kairos
Chronos is where we get the word "Chronological" and refers to sequential time. It's a quantitative measure of time (ex: it's 2:00pm. It's time for lunch.).
Kairos on the other hand isn't quantitative, it's qualitative. Kairos describes an opportune time or moment.
We believe that God doesn't want to fit into a limited time and that our relationship with Him isn't defined by simply a morning devotional.
Instead, we believe in living in constant communication with God - and in doing so, experiencing more "Kairos Moments."
This is exactly why this journal was created:
to help you recognize and live in more Kairos Moments with God.